
We have found 3 Packages



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Joining Fee:Rs: 1500 /=
Interest Rate:


Annual Fee:Rs: 1,600.00 /=
Late Payment Fee:Rs: 750.00 /=
Valid Days:45
Card Replacement Fee:Rs: 750 /=
Limit Enhancement Fee:Rs: 750 /=
Total Fee:

Rs: 2250 /=

Info:NDB Credit Cards offers you absolute peace of mind, security and convenience.
NDB Bank
45 Valid Days
Last updated 05/01/2015
Annual - Rs.1,600.00
Join - Rs.1,500.00
Interest Rate


283 Visits



More Information

Joining Fee:Rs: 2500 /=
Interest Rate:


Annual Fee:Rs: 2,600.00 /=
Late Payment Fee:Rs: 750.00 /=
Valid Days:45
Card Replacement Fee:Rs: 750 /=
Limit Enhancement Fee:Rs: 750 /=
Total Fee:

Rs: 2250 /=

Info:NDB Credit Cards offers you absolute peace of mind, security and convenience.
NDB Bank
45 Valid Days
Last updated 05/01/2015
Annual - Rs.2,600.00
Join - Rs.2,500.00
Interest Rate


115 Visits



More Information

Joining Fee:Rs: 2500 /=
Interest Rate:


Annual Fee:Rs: 2,600.00 /=
Late Payment Fee:Rs: 750.00 /=
Valid Days:45
Card Replacement Fee:Rs: 750 /=
Limit Enhancement Fee:Rs: 750 /=
Total Fee:

Rs: 2250 /=

Info:NDB Credit Cards offers you absolute peace of mind, security and convenience.
NDB Bank
45 Valid Days
Last updated 05/01/2015
Annual - Rs.2,600.00
Join - Rs.2,500.00
Interest Rate


80 Visits

Compare Credit Cards has a wide comparison list of credit card offers from leading Sri Lankan financial institutions. Our credit card comparison tables can help you find the best credit card deals for your needs. Compare Credit Cards with today

Credit Card

A credit card is a small plastic card issued by a bank or money lender which is used as a system of payment. It allows the holder to purchase goods or services without the physical handover of cash.How does a credit card work?

Each purchase made on a credit card is effectively a mini-loan from the bank or lender, which needs to be repaid within a certain time frame as defined in the terms and conditions of the credit card. Basically, if someone was to purchase some jeans on their credit card, the bank covers the payment and transfers money to the retailer. The card holder is then in debt to the bank and must repay that amount within a certain time frame, or they will be charged additional interest and fees.


To provide credit assistance means to either suggest that you, or assist you to, apply for, remain in, or increase your limit of a particular credit contract with a particular credit provider. not suggesting that you apply for a particular credit card with a particular provider of those products, nor are we trying to assist you to apply for a particular credit product with a particular provider. We recommend that you seek professional advice before acting upon or relying on any information provided on this web site, or provided by visiting any website which is linked to our website, by way of a link to the website. Should you decide to apply for a credit card after visiting our website, you will be dealing with the provider of that credit card and not with